Thursday, March 12, 2009

Yay!! I'm finally able to update some photos and information. The kids are doing great! They are getting huge! Preston is now 11 pounds! Mollie is 10 lbs 10 oz and Elise is 10 pounds! They are chunky monkeys!!!

We've had a very busy week. The babies had their first photo shoot. What a job! Grandma and I had our work cut out for us. The photo with the black background is from the studio. I did the green background myself. Both times.....very hard. The people at the studio did a great job.

This was the week for "firsts". Yesterday, Grandma, Gamma and I took the babies out to a restaurant for the first time. What fun! They did really well. We actually got to eat our lunch (well, most of it) before anyone got upset. We also went to the NICU to visit all the wonderful nurses that got our babies off to a great start. They couldn't believe how big they got. Mommy and Daddy are very proud.

Next week Elise will have her cardiology appointment. I'm hoping all goes well. The girls are still on their monitors. I would really like for them to be off of them soon. We'll see. We did set the baby dedication on April 19th. I can't wait! I'm so excited to finally get to go to church. I've been missing it so much.

That's about it. I'll post more info later.


Anonymous said...

Look at those cheeks! So pinchable!

Unknown said...

Omg they are plump and adorable! They actually all look alike, they are not identical though right? I hope you are holding up well. Remember to take a break for you Jennifer, when Grandma or Gamma are there go run and get a haircut, or see a movie, you need some alone time to revive, its important for your well being! Big hug! I am so happy for you guys. Alicia