Friday, May 8, 2009

Big Boy Preston!

And big boy he is! At birth he weighed the least, but he has made up for that! He now weighs 14 lbs. 15 oz (50%) and measures at a whopping 24 3/4" (50%)!! He has surpassed the girls and on his way at defeating all odds!
We have come a long way baby! From inside the womb, I knew this little boy was a fighter! He has defied all logic from the moment he was born. In the NICU, the boys were often called "little wimpy white boys"; mainly because they just didn't do as well as girls. They normally would develop much slower and had delayed motor skills than their female counterparts. Well....not this boy! Not only did he come out screaming, he didn't even need a breathing tube like the girls. Looking at him now, it's hard to believe how tiny and fragile he once was. He has more than quadrupled his size!
Mr. Flirty is what I call him now! Oh how he loves the ladies!! Don't get me wrong; he's a man's man as well. He is just one happy baby! You will always find him smiling...usually his open-mouthed, toothless grin. It is so irresistible! You just have to squeeze and hug him. And he can talk! Well....not actual words, but he will carry on a whole conversation with me! It's hysterical. I just nod my head and say "Oh really?" and "Is that right?". Oh....and he is sooo laid back. Not a care in the world. I could probably count on one hand the times he cries in a week! (It's usually at the last meal of the day). Sometimes I wonder if I really have a third child.
One of Preston's quirks is when he's drinking....he will stop and give me his adorable smile and let all the milk spill out of his mouth; then he starts to coo. I can tell right now that it will be playtime for him during meals. He will most likely play with his food. And he thinks it's so funny to watch me try to get him to latch onto the bottle, burp one of the girls and not laugh all at the same time. It can get a little frustrating, but it's more funny than irritating. I just smile back at him but then tell him he must finish or he won't get anything else until the next meal. Sometimes that does it. I think he understands me (or it could be I'm spending so much time with babies that I'm imagining it). Either way, it works. He goes back to drinking until he's done.
He's not as loud as the girls, but he is the more talkative one. When he wants attention, instead of yelling or saying "hey"...he just starts talking or letting out a long, high-pitched "ooooooh". He knows that will get Momma to turn her head toward him. I just love listening to him. He doesn't cry....but he does whimper every once in a while. Most of the time it's when he needs to burp. And boy can he burp! For the most part, he can burp on demand. Just pick him up, pat his back, and there he goes! It's nice especially when you're having to burp three babies.
Preston is about as camera happy as Mollie. When the camera is on him, he knows and rolls with it. I think he will be our little show off.
Long before we conceived, I have dreamed about our little boy; how he will look, act and his personality. I can tell you now, Preston is everything I dreamed of in a son and much more. God has given me abundantly all that I could ask for. And my wishes for Preston is for him to be a man after God's own heart; to seek His face and reach others for Him. I believe God has equipped Preston to do all these things and more. I'm excited to see God's will for my baby boy unfold in the years to come.
*Yes....he is sucking his left thumb. In fact, he was doing it this morning. We could only hope for all lefties.

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