Saturday, May 2, 2009

Good Golly Miss Mollie!!

Poor baby....she will hear that for the rest of her life (Good Golly Miss Mollie)! But I loved the name, so she's stuck with it.

First of all.....I promised I would post weights and height. For Mollie, she is now 13 lbs 2 oz and she is 23 1/4" in length. Her weight is in the 40% of full-term babies! Her length is 10%. But she's catching up!!

What can I say about Mollie??? How about Miss Personality! My goodness. She definitely fits the first born profile. She's very outgoing. Everytime we go somewhere, she's bright-eyed and smiling at everybody. She just flirts with whoever crosses her path. The best thing is....she's a happy baby!

One of the funny quirks she has is she says, "hey!". Now, of course she doesn't actually mean 'hey', but it sounds like she says it loud and clear. She usually does it when she's either tired (and doesn't want to go to sleep), when she's hungry, or when she finds out I'm not in the room. Bronson and I find ourselves saying "hey" throughout the day. It's pretty funny. I'll have to record her and upload the video.

Also, she is the vocal one out of the three. She rarely cries....mainly when she's hurt or she has a bad bubble in her belly that just won't come up. But she's still vocal nonetheless. When she wakes up in the morning, she just lays there until I come and get her. It's wonderful!! Then when I peep over into the crib, she has a big smile for me. It could be that's who she is, or maybe she's just a well-rested baby. Either way, it's very pleasant.

When I hold the camera up, she knows what to do! It's hysterical!! As soon as I tell her to smile, she does (and poses too!). She loves the camera. And as you can see from all her pictures, she's very photogenic. She takes great pics (most of the time).

She's everything I asked for in a be happy, mild-mannered, and beautiful. I'm truly blessed to have her in my life.

*Oh...and she sucks her left thumb..just like her momma did when she was a baby. Maybe she'll be a lefty!! (Bronson and I are both lefties)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

She is beautiful!!!