Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Silent No More!

Most people long for silence. They yearn for a little peace and quiet. A time to rejuvenate. Relax.

I remember the silence in our home was deafening. Yes....deafening. If you could imagine silence being so loud. That's how I felt days, weeks, months and even years in our home. After being married for 12 years and living in the house for 9 years, I thought I would hear the sweet pitter patter of little feet, loud wails, belly-laugh giggling....all those things that come with having children. Some days I could hear a pin drop. Anyone who truly knows me would know that I'm not a quiet person. I constantly thrive on chaos. Organized chaos. The louder, the better....sometimes.

Reflecting back on those days....I kind of chuckle. The only time I hear silence is after 8 pm. But it's a good silence. Not that I'm ready for it or even longing for it. It's a "I'm glad I have 3 babies that are sound asleep in our home" kind of silence. Knowing that they're here....with us....our children. Unbelievable. Undeserving. But oh so gracious. So thankful. So blessed.

I thought I would share a little video of our 3 bundles of joy expressing themselves to each other. Our home is Silent No More!!!

1 comment:

Stacy said...

I LOVE it! I can't wait until they start forming little words and start talking to each other! Great job, Jennifer and Bronson!